Your heart is a powerful muscle that beats more than 100,000 times every day. It's critical to look after this vital organ on a regular basis.

In the United States and around the world, heart disease remains the major cause of mortality. It's difficult to know when to see a cardiologist if you don't have any symptoms of heart problems. Here are a few reasons to consult a cardiac specialist.

You Have Chest Pain

One of the most common symptoms of a cardiac disease is chest pain. While there are several other reasons of chest discomfort that are unrelated to the heart, chest pressure that begins or intensifies with activity is especially concerning since it can indicate that the heart isn't receiving enough blood. A cardiologist can assist in determining the source and the best course of action.

You Have A History Of Smoking

Smokers have a higher risk of cardiovascular diseases, whether they are now smoking or have been in the past. The walls of the arteries are damaged by smoking, which contributes to plaque build-up and potentially severe blockages.

You Have High Blood Pressure

The pressure of blood flowing against the arterial walls is known as blood pressure. Chronically high blood pressure makes it harder for the heart to pump blood throughout the body, increasing the risk of heart attack as well as stroke.

You Have Diabetes

There is a clear link between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Blood sugar regulation is important because it influences the way your blood vessels function and raises your risk of coronary heart disease. A cardiac specialist can collaborate with the primary care doctor to decide which treatments or prevention techniques are most effective in lowering your risk.

You Have A Family History Of Heart Disease

Certain types of cardiac disease can be passed down through generations. If a family member has experienced premature heart disease (under the age of 55 for men and 65 for women), a cardiac specialist can help you to figure out how this impacts your risk and might even prescribe tests or suggest preventive methods.

A Final Word

Here, we discussed the major signs you need to see a cardiac specialist. If you’re looking for cardiac specialist Dayton, get in touch with Dayton Cardiology.


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